Eating Raw Grassfed Ground Beef Reddit

Raw Meat VS Cooked Meat

I've been trying to do carnivore on a budget. The cheapest and best quality meat i can get is 80/20 grass fed ground beef at whole foods.

I just ate a medium rare tbone steak the other day and i can feel more awake and energized the next day compared to eating fully cooked ground beef.

Can anyone explain this? Is it due to the raw meat because they are both beef.

Does anyone else experience this?

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level 1

Those rare times I've been able to afford real steak for multiple days in a row, I have felt very good after three or four days. Not more awake and energized, but more... fulfilled, content, serene.

I don't know if it's actually nutritional. I think I was just kind of happy.

level 2

That's interesting. Since so far I've only seen you talk about your diet consisting of different fat sources and as little real meat as possible. Didn't sound like you'd ever waste money on steaks. I guess this shows that such a low meat, lots of heavy cream and whatever diet might not be that great after all?

level 1

Beef is beef to me. Sure, some cuts taste better than others, but I eat 80/20 beef quite a bit and usually have a ribeye or T-Bone once a week due to budgetary issues. I enjoy the steak, but I feel about the same. Its not like the steak gives me a crazy energy boost or that I feel healthier. It just tastes better. It sounds like subconsciously you want the steak to have a more powerful effect and so it does. I don't know, Im not a scientist, so I could be wrong. I just feel like 80/20 vs steak isn't a miraculous life changing thing for me other than it tastes better.

level 1

are you sure whole foods is the cheapest place to get high quality beef? That just doesn't sound right to me.

level 2

For the love of GOD, tell me where I can get good grassfed cuts of meat that is less than 10 dollars a pound. Why are you keeping this a secret? Are you hoarding steaks for yourself lol...

on a serious note, find me *grass fed* beef that is less then 10 dollars... you can't. 10 dollars is my limit of what I'm willing to pay

level 1

Yeah, medium rare steaks make a HUGE difference to me over fully cooked ground beef. I assume that more thorough cooking destroys some of the vitamins.

btw, ime conventional steaks are better for me than grassfed ground beef, and grassfed steaks are not noticeably better for my health either.

level 2

What difference do you experience? Is it the same as me?

level 1

My digestion works better and I feel better when eating raw beef. I have a histamine intolerance though so cooking raises histamine levels a bit. Might not be the same for everyone.

level 1

There is no significant difference between eating beef whole or grinding it up before eating it. That is what is called "superstitious learning." You attributed your different feelings to something irrelevant.

Eating raw beef can lead to diseases like salmonella or other. Cooking our meat has been important part of humans staying healthy for a million years. Control of fire is and was the most important part of becoming human.

level 1

I think that the bioavailability of raw meat is much higher than when it's cooked. Maybe you feel better because you get more nutritients? is an interesting read, btw

level 2

I always get 80/20 ground beef. I don't think it is fat that gives me more energy

level 1

I feel like if you grill the ground beef it loses way more fat than any other cut would. Otherwise ya it's probably the same but I don't enjoy it as much

level 2

Anywhere from a third to half the fat is lost on the grill. When you grill a steak with visible fat the same thing happens. I'd guess more visible fat is lost since it's not packed in like a burger patty. If you cook ground beef in a pan with forming it into patties first, almost all the fat will be rendered out. Fortunately, it'll be saved in the pan.

level 1

Some nutrients get lost while cooking and for some people raw meat seems to be easier to digest, and maybe provides other benefits as well. Also how are you cooking the ground beef? Maybe you've cooking it for too long. Try cooking it a bit less and see if that makes any difference.

And of course you also have to consider that ground meat is like all the leftover pieces of meat that they couldn't sell you otherwise mixed together with some fat from the animal. It's not the highest quality meat in general and different parts of an animal might have differing amounts of nutrients. Though I don't know much about that. Aside from organ meats of course which are considered to have the highest amounts of nutrients in them.

level 1

Never felt any difference.

level 1

I always feel better when eating steak, and yes, raw/nearly raw gives me an amazing buzz of nice, even, happy energy. It's really, really sad that steak is so expensive.


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